Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Gorgeous That Expensive!

Gorgeous That Expensive!
                         - Not all people being treated for the sake of mere fitness. Aesthetics in the realm of anti-aging is often more tempting. Clinic Dr. Olivia Ong in Gunawarman, South Jakarta, for example, is never empty of patients. As on Friday (08/02/2013), patients have to queue to rejuvenate the skin with a wide range of techniques, such as filler injections, botox injections, and infusion of fluids antioksidan.Salah a patient, Rachma (28), at home waiting for over an hour consultation before a turn. According to him, it took a long struggle before deciding to undergo injection filler.Ketika appearance no longer feel as fresh as a teenager, hooded girl is trying to collect as much information about skin rejuvenation technology of the Internet. He became interested with filler and Botox injections after a few times to consult with dokter.Setelah undergone two injections action in order cheeks fuller, Rachma claimed her feel fresh. The doctor said Oliv, my face is already good. However, it seems my face was gaunt. Palingan'll just add a little volume filler injections, said Rachma. I penginnya chubby like Tina Toon. In the past my cheeks gaunt and look old. Just now I post profile pictures in BBM (Blackberry Messenger) and everyone says I added a saucy, said Rachma blush action sipu.Untuk one filler injection, Rachma spent several million rupiah. Beautiful is expensive and painful. Be smart to earn money if you want beautiful, he-he-he ..., said the woman who works as a self-employed ini.Mayoritas patient in the doctor's clinic Olivia really want to look younger and charming naturally. They do not want their faces changed drastically or be seen as a mask. There may be 15 years younger, but still natural. Injection was my wand, Olivia said. Anti-aging is a breakthrough in the world of preventive medicine, said Dr. Deby Vinski, who studied in Anti-Aging Medicine Specialization, Paris, Perancis.Menurut Deby, who has been increasingly polluted environment made man at present it is difficult to live a truly healthy without any exposure to pollution. Anti-aging therapy is one of the alternatives to help improve the quality of life of modern man. (INE / WKM / DAY / SF) http://www.mastadikara.org/2017/02/manfaat-green-coffee-pelangsing.html