Wednesday, November 30, 2016

'Fitness Tracker' Not Effective to Lose Weight

'Fitness Tracker' Not Effective to Lose Weight
If you want to be healthier, use of fitness tracker is very helpful. However, if your goal to reduce your weight, buy and use these devices less effective one.
New research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that fitness tracker can not help a person lose weight as much as expected.
Evidence shows that, any good fitness tracker is used, this tracker is only effective when you want to live a more healthy, not to lose weight.
The study was watched 471 adults were overweight or obese, and had a low-calorie diet for six months.
The participants were also encouraged to be more active and try to get at least 100 minutes of moderate physical activity for a week, keep food and attend counseling sessions. After six months, everyone lost weight.
Later, the group was divided into two: Some wore fitness tracker, others do not. The experiment lasted 18 months until researchers found that people who did not use fitness tracker behasil weight loss average of 6 kilograms. On the other hand, the group with the fitness tracker to lose weight only 3.5 kilograms.
"" Devices that monitor and provide feedback on physical activity may offer more benefits for the purpose of weight loss, "" the researchers concluded in the study.
Albert Matheny, M.S., R.D., C.S.C.S., from SoHo Strength Nutrition Lab and Promix not surprised by the findings.
"" Fitness tracker can be a good tool to provide feedback to public health objectives, such as how many miles you walk, but people still need to have an understanding and feel their own body if you want to lose weight. "
Jim Pivarnik, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology at Michigan State University, said that experts are not even sure fitness tracker always estimate the numbers correctly.
If you hang a calculation of how much you eat, exercise, or sleep on a metric fitness tracker, you may not get accurate results.
Kelsey Patel, yoga and barre instructor, and owner of Pure Barre Beverly Hills, adding, if someone wants to try to lose weight, fitness tracker will not be until the other things that support weight loss success.
"" You can set all the goals and programs on fitness tracker, however, if you've never had to deal with emotional or mental fitness, the weight may be difficult to come down. "

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Monday, November 7, 2016

4 Powerful Diet Lose Weight - Comp

4 Powerful Diet Lose Weight - Comp
When you're trying to lose weight, time or moment as important as what you eat. There are simple rules to adjust the timing of your meal with a menu that will you eat, so that more effective diet program. Details, please see below.

Eating 3 times a day
Classic diet ie breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be effective for weight loss, when every portion large enough to make you satisfied, but the total daily calorie intake is lower than you spend.
It is important for you to consume at least 30 grams of protein at every meal to maximize protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is a key strategy to protect your muscles during a diet. Strong muscles and healthy is very important for energy metabolism and fat burning.
This pattern is suitable for: Those who have a rigid work schedule, which only allowed to eat at a set time with no opportunity to leave your desk for an afternoon snack.

Eat smaller meals 4-5 times a day
This pattern is very popular among dieters. You are encouraged to eat three meals a day, interrupted twice snacking between main meal schedule. Dining setting like this, it will make you feel full and provide a balance of calories throughout the day.
This pattern is suitable for: People who like snacking. You can banish excessive appetite without changing the style of eating too drastic. Importantly, select ren foods low in calories, fat and sugar. These diets are also suitable for people with reactive hypoglycemia, a condition where blood sugar levels drop too low shortly after eating, which makes sufferers dizziness and weakness.

Eating During the Session Sports
Exercise can improve insulin sensitivity so that the ability of your muscles to burn carbohydrates become more optimal. To maintain levels of insulin, eating during exercise session should be tried. Choose foods that are a source of carbohydrates and protein from sources that are also healthy as green vegetables, whole grains, fish and low-fat meat.

Vegan Before At 6 PM
This diet popularized by New York Times writer Mark Bittman, who managed to cut 17 kg of body weight. According to Bittman, he began waking up at six o'clock, she was just eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Avoid any kind of animal food, make your calorie intake is low. In fact, even at night you eat meat, the total calories you consume throughout the day remained lower than if you eat animal products throughout the day.
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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Bermacam Resep untuk Pelihara Mata

Bermacam Resep untuk Pelihara Mata

JAKARTA, -Berikut ini beragam bahan alami yang berguna untuk menangani beragam keluhan pada mata. Sebagian salah satunya bersumber pada buku Perawatan Badan serta Penyembuhan Tradisional karya R. Sartono. Mata Capek Pakai alpukat untuk mendinginkan serta beri kesegaran mata yang capek atau sembab. Alpukat berguna lantaran banyak terkandung vitamin A, C, E, zat besi, potasium, niasin, asam pantatenik, serta protein.  Caranya : Kupas satu alpukat lantas dipotong beberapa tidak tebal mirip lempengan. Tempelkan pada mata yang capek atau sembab, lantas diamkan sepanjang 20 menit. Bersihkan bekas alpukat dengan air dingin. Mata yang letih dapat juga diatasi dengan mengusapkan es batu di sekitar mata sepanjang sebagian menit. Aksi ini bakal kembalikan kelancaran peredaran darah serta beri kesegaran mata. Lingkaran Hitam Permasalahan lingkaran hitam yang kerap nampak dibawah mata, dapat diakukan dengan mentimun yang murah serta gampang didapat. Dalam sayuran ini terdapat banyak mineral serta air. Langkahnya : Ambillah mentimun serta iris tidak tebal. Pakai irisan mentimun untuk mengompres mata sepanjang 15 menit. Mata MerahMata yang memerah serta capek dapat diatasi dengan merambang dengan air rebusan daun sirih. Langkahnya : Segenggam daun sirih bersama batangnya yang muda serta tangkai daunnya di rebus dengan 3 gelas air sampai mendidih. Sesudah dingin, pakai air rebusannya untuk merambang bola mata. Bisa juga lewat cara meneteskan air itu pada mata. Untuk menangani mata merah akibat kurang tidur, kerjakan kompres mata dengan air teh hitam yang telah diendapkan satu malam. Mata BengkakUntuk menyingkirkan bengkak di mata, sekalian menyejukkan dapat dicoba masker yang memiliki kandungan hazelnut, bunga mawar atau bunga jagung.  Pencuci Mata Untuk bersihkan mata yang keruh, ambillah segenggam bunga melati, lantas dibikin bersih. Rendam bunga melati dengan satu gelas penuh air masak yang telah dingin serta biarlah semalam. Esoknya air itu disaring, lantas dipakai untuk merambang atau merendam biji mata. Bikin Bola Mata Bening 1 sendok teh diseduh dengan satu gelas air. Biarlah semalam serta besok paginya baru disaring. Pakai air ini untuk membersihkan mata dengan merambang mata sepanjang 3-5 menit. Awal mulanya bakal merasa perih, tetapi perlahan-lahan bakal merasa dingin serta mata juga merasa nyaman. @Endang Saptorini

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Telah Diet Namun Berat Tubuh Tidak Juga Turun, Ini Penyebabnya

Telah Diet Namun Berat Tubuh Tidak Juga Turun, Ini Penyebabnya


Jakarta, Program diet dapat disebut sebagai satu diantara perjuangan yang memerlukan kemauan bulat serta kemauan yang kuat. Banyak kendala yang dapat nampak dalam usaha penurunan berat tubuh. Salah nya ialah berat tubuh yang tidak kunjung turun, walau sebenarnya semuanya langkah telah dikerjakan. Kerap juga hasil diet yang diraih seakan berikan harapan palsu. Bagaimana tidak? Telah sulit payah mengatur pola makan serta olahraga, berat tubuh memanglah sukses turun sebagian kg, namun lalu cuma berhenti hingga di situ. Pasti peristiwa ini sangat mengesalkan. Pada keadaan dimana berat tubuh telah sulit untuk turun, jadi butuh dievaluasi lagi pola makan serta olahraganya, lalu sesuai kembali sesuai sama berat tubuh yang telah diraih, kata Dr Cindiawaty Pudjiadi MARS, MS, SpGk, dokter spesialis gizi klinik dari RS Medistra pada detikHealth seperti ditulis Rabu (30/1/2013). Yang tidak bisa dilupakan, dr Cindy memberikan kalau kerap didapati ada fase plateau dalam diet. Fase plateau yaitu fase dalam sistem penurunan berat tubuh dimana berat telah sulit turun lagi. Pada keadaan ini, mungkin saja tubuh tengah sesuaikan dengan berat yang baru atau diperlukam penyusunan makan serta olah raga yang baru sesuai sama berat tubuh paling akhir. Terdapat beberapa hal yang disangka bisa mengakibatkan fenomena ini. Salah nya ialah metabolisme. Sesudah punya kebiasaan membatasi konsumsi kalori serta membakar lemak, badan lakukan kompensasi serta mengatur lagi titik internalnya. Badan bakal memperlambat metabolisme hingga walaupun konsumsi kalori cuma sedikit, berat tubuh tidak bergeming. Kandungan hormon serta fluktuasi kandungan air didalam badan dapat juga jadi pemicunya. Aspek lain yang tidak diakui yaitu kebosanan. Lakukan diet sehari-hari pasti lama-lama bikin jemu hingga rutinitas lama terulang kembali. Mendadak, berat tubuh jadi sulit turun. Lantas bagaimana mengatasinya? Kerjakan penyusunan makanan lagi serta penyusunan olah raga sesuai sama berat yang baru, lantas dievaluasi kembali. Apabila dibutuhkan bisa dicoba pemberian obat-obat diet di bawah pengawasan dokter, jelas dr Cindy. Anjuran ini diamini oleh trainer hidup sehat, dr Phaidon L Toruan. Lantaran penyebabnya terhentinya penurunan berat tubuh ini dapat dipicu oleh bermacam aspek, jadi yang butuh dikerjakan pertama kalinya yaitu mengidentifikasi pemicunya. Dapat lantaran olahraganya kurang pas, atau mengkonsumsi makanan yang kurang benar. Umpamanya sesudah semuanya telah dicoba serta tak turun-turun, nyatanya sesudah dicek penyebabnya lantaran mengkonsumsi roti gandum. Roti gandum untuk beberapa orang memanglah baik untuk diet, tetapi untuk beberapa orang dapat bikin gemuk. Jadi makan roti gandum mesti ditukar dengan konsumsi yang lain, tutur dr Phaidon. (pah/vit)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Catch up on 'Jane the Virgin' Season 2 with these 5 episodes

jane the virgin

Catch up on 'Jane the Virgin' Season 2 with these 5 episodes


Allow's start! Jane the Virgin will go back to the CW for Season 3, which means beginning Oct. 17 we'll get on an additional ruthless emotional rollercoaster for 22 episodes.


Prior to you dive hastily right into the dramatization, let's stop for a little Season 2 refresher course-- and also 5 episodes to binge this weekend to obtain you prepared for Monday evening's best.


There's some dead weight in this episode through the Mutter investigation as well as Jane intending Lina's birthday celebration, but that offers to connect the more crucial points; Rafael, still in love with Jane, rocks a grey v-neck coat which will be the subject of my initial publication of verse. Petra comes tidy concerning her purposes: That she intends to be with Rafael and just got expectant to win him back, which she's horrified of being a mom.


Michael zooms up Jane's gown and murmurs into her hair and also the sexual tension is why they designed 3- as well as 4-D TELEVISION; It finishes in an enchanting kiss that made me yell both times I enjoyed it. The child screen comes to be the best deus ex machina when it captures Jane confessing that she's chosen Michael, and a crestfallen Rafael listens to every word.


Simply when we and also Jane came to be Group Michael, disaster strikes and injures Mateo, ruining Jane's trust fund in her beloved. An in tears Jane calls it quits, which leads to in tears Michael and also teary all of us.


Episode 12 "Chapter Thirty-Four"


Xiomara and essentially every visitor are d y i n g for Jane to seal the handle Hot Professor Chavez, (the sexually magnetic Adam Rodriguez, that in the same season seduced Cookie Lyon). For all its telanovela stress, the storyline faces 2 of Jane's worst virginity problems: first, denial as well as later, her very own failure to make love without psychological commitment.


As if that wasn't sufficient agonizing realism, Xo and also Ro break up definitively, no more able to ignore the insurmountable problem that he wants youngsters and also she does not. Jane as well as Michael get back with each other again as well as if you are noticing a pattern in these episodes you are not wrong.


Episode 14 "Chapter Thirty-Six"

A not likely triad welcome children Anna and also Elsa right into the world.


Rafael finds his bad-boy roots with worthless (and extremely safe) sexual encounters to balm the mentally stripped scabs of his love for Jane. Jane maintains blinking to a Sliding Doors parallel cosmos in which she's married to Michael and also Rafael is the ideal platonic infant dad. Michael proposes at the end, leading the way momentarily chance at happiness for both of them.


AT THE VERY SAME TIME, Rogelio goes method to encourage his stalker-turned-captor that he's caring and also compliant. Xiomara really feels hopelessly betrayed when she learned that her mom made love prior to marital relationship, since Alba invested years making her daughter feel like sex signified loosened morals, but they talk it through as well as Alba opens concerning the enigmatic Pablo Alonso Segura. Petra goes into labor, which causes a lot of not likely bonding in between her as well as Jane, a great counter to the crime-fighting partnership that is Rafael as well as Michael.


Episode 22 "Phase Forty-Four"



This crazy-pants-bonkers-bananas finale had everything: A chase, a wedding, multiple medical emergency situations, busted hearts and Bruno Mars (for my full 1100 word recap, go here). Rafael lastly allows Jane go, Anezka lands her sis in the health center, Xiomara is expectant, and also Rose is not just alive however fired a certain detective before his wedding night.


Where in the world do we go from below? Can our hearts also handle it ?? CONTAINER MICHAEL'S HEART HANDLE IT?


Stay tuned. Jane the Virgin returns for Season 3 on Oct. 17.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Ingin Langsing? Cobalah Memperbanyak Mengkonsumsi Protein

Ingin Langsing? Cobalah Memperbanyak Mengkonsumsi Protein  
    Jakarta Dari pada bingung mencari type diet yang cocok       mungkin saja sebaiknya coba anjuran dari pakar gizi dari Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Prof Dr. Ir Hardinsyah. Sebab menurut dia     turunnya berat tubuh dapat dibantu dengan mengkonsumsi protein. Kuncinya ada pada protein. Makanan yang memiliki kandungan protein memerlukan saat lama untuk diolah hingga ke system pencernaan. Berarti badan kita bakal rasakan kenyang lebih lama serta keinginan makan juga termonitor kata Hardinsyah waktu diwawancarai wartawan selesai talkshow kesehatan di Hotel Le-Meridien Jakarta ditulis Jumat (23/1/2015). Untuk menghindar keunggulan protein Hardinsyah merekomendasikan untuk minum air putih sesuai sama keperluan. Konsumsi air seimbang bisa tingkatkan metabolisme lemak didalam badan. Jadi saat minum kita akan terasa lebih kenyang serta bakal terlepas dari makanan yang terlalu berlebih. Website riset Livesciene melaporkan diet tinggi protein bikin badan melepas zat kimia bernama ketone ke aliran darah. Ketone dapat memudahkan diet lantaran dapat menurunkan nafsu makan. Walau demikian membatasi karbohidrat serta konsumsi yang lain dengan lakukan diet protein dapat bikin oran lebih berisiko alami konstipasi. Dengan cara logis diet yg tidak dikerjakan degan seimbang umpamanya cuma dengan konsumsi protein saja dapat juga memberi dampak negatif untuk kesehatan.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Revealed, Cyanide in Coffee and Gastric Mirna Identical

Revealed, Cyanide in Coffee and Gastric Mirna Identical
 Head of Medical and Health Polda Metro Jaya, Commissioner of Police Musyafak, said cyanide in the stomach Wayan Mirna Salihin and cyanide in coffee drunk former Mirna, identical.
Actually Puslabfor who delivered it, and I think the results are identical, because the drink was positive samples released there (cyanide). Later in the stomach victims were there (cyanide), said Musyafak to
, Tuesday, February 9, 2016.
Musyafak explained, in the process of examination of the Central Forensic Laboratory (Forensic), the Forensic Laboratory examined two samples ie, gastric miRNA and miRNA used coffee drink.
I say, who examined the Forensic Laboratory of the first sample the rest of the drinks were drunk and the second victim of the samples we send from the autopsy of the victim, it is checked Puslabfor. I think the results have been released where there is no cyanide content (both), said Musyafak.
When asked whether these results could be evidence for investigators, Musyafak declined to comment.
Oh it depends on the investigator, whether the evidence or not. I can not answer, he said. (Ase)
Read also: Derita Ani, sprinkled Hot and beaten Employer


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11 Benefits of Honey For Health And Beauty

11 Benefits of Honey For Health And Beauty
One of the benefits of honey may help you lose weight. So for you, which is still struggling with fat, can try honey as a natural and safe solution to get a slim body ideal.

Not only lose weight, honey proved to have many benefits and other benefits. Here are some benefits of honey for health and beauty that you can get.

benefits of Honey

1. Can Overcome Acne
Use raw honey or raw honey for compounds and other content is still not tercapur. Honey is a natural enzyme still pristine and good for treating acne.

How: Take 1/2 teaspoon of honey at your fingertips. Rub and warm between two fingers and then rubbed with a smooth all over the face. Rinse with warm water and pat dry gently with a towel. You can use it every morning and evening routine.

Washing your face with honey above in addition to overcome acne can also clean the dirt in the face, the oil balance in the face, soften dry skin and encegah emergence of new pimples.

2. Healing Wounds
The content contained in honey can
destroying strain of bacteria in the wound. So often used
as a traditional medicine to overcome injuries. Honey also contains antibacterial substances that will help cure the infection. So honey is very good for healthy skin.

3. Overcoming Burned Skin
To sunburn, you can use honey as a natural pengoabtan. Honey has excellent antioxidant in skin problems sunburn.

4. Moisturize Skin
The content of nutrients contained in honey can be trusted to keep the skin moist. You can get skin moist, beautiful and maintained by doing treatments using honey.

5. As Sugar Substitutes
Honey contains fewer calories than sugar. So with a distinctive sweet taste can be used as a sugar substitute. Though each has a sweet, honey is different from white sugar. Honey contains about 30% sugar and 40% fructose - two monosaccharides, or simple sugars - with 20% more complex sugars.

6. Help Fight Anemia
It increases levels of hemoglobin in the blood so it is good for patients with anemia. Drink honey with warm water regularly every morning before consuming any food.

7. Help Smooth Digestive System
Honey can help reduce constipation, bloating and gas, honey also serve as a mild laxative. This is because honey is rich in probiotics such as bifidobacteria and
lactobacilli, which aid digestion and improve the health system

8. Help Fight Infections Skin and Scalp
In a small-scale study with 30 patients who see the effects of honey in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, the patient is asked to wear raw honey every day and rub gently rubbing their problem areas for 2-3 minutes. All patients showed significant improvement with this treatment.

9. Prevent Heart Disease and Heart Problems
The content of antioxidants found in honey may help prevent heart problems and liver.

10. Help Boost Immune System
Honey can help boost the immune system because it contains vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

11. Helps Lose Weight
It turned out that honey can we enter into a diet program to help you lose weight. As described above, honey contains fewer calories than sugar. In addition, honey also contains vitamins and minerals that are essential to help dissolve fat in the body. Here are some steps that you can try:

Add honey into bread wheat as the dinner menu. The combination of honey and whole wheat bread can help speed up the weight loss process.
Aside from being an additional dinner menu, you can also incorporate honey into each dish.
Before exercise, drink milk mixed with honey cream. The combination of these drinks is very good because of the lack of calories that help accelerate the process of fat burning during exercise.
Use honey as a fresh drink morning when stomach is empty. Put one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice into a glass of warm water.

Are you ready to replace the sugar with honey? By seeing the many benefits of honey that you can get, no one tried to start now.